A business meeting scene where two people are shaking hands, while three others observe and smile, in a bright, modern office setting.

5 Powerful Strategies to Maximize Your Meeting Engagement

Published on June 24, 2024

Here are three truths about meetings: technology has changed, people have changed, and meetings have dramatically changed.

Modern meeting planners are thinking creatively to keep attendees engaged and ensure that every participant is present, actively involved, excited, and inspired.

Without creative strategies, attendees may be disengaged, checking their phones, or even nodding off during your carefully planned event.

Christine Cunningham, Sales Manager at Equinox Resort, offers expert insights on transforming your events from mundane to magical.

Read on if you’re looking for unforgettable experiences that foster deeper connections and better content retention!

The Benefits of Higher Engagement

Engaging your attendees goes beyond just making an event memorable; it fosters deeper connections and better content retention.

Christine says, “When you have the opportunity to bring your people together one-on-one, face-to-face, they’re going to get the most out of that kind of program. They will retain more of the content, build stronger relationships, and have stories to tell for future events.”

The benefits of higher engagement at meetings are multi-faceted:

Improved Retention and Productivity

Engaged participants are more likely to remember the material presented and apply it effectively in their work.

Enhanced Collaboration

Increased interaction fosters teamwork and strengthens relationships within the team.

Reduced Meeting Fatigue

Creative and interactive meeting formats can prevent the monotony and fatigue often associated with traditional meeting settings.

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Tips for Keeping Attendees Engaged

Christine offers several tips to ensure your attendees remain engaged throughout the event:

1. Unique Locations

Moving away from standard meeting rooms to places like the resort’s lobby settings, library, or outdoor areas can make a significant difference. For instance, breaking into small groups and using various locations around the property for short sessions can keep the energy high.

2. Incorporating Nature

The natural surroundings of Vermont provide a refreshing backdrop for meetings.

“The environment and the content are part of it, but the team engagement and relationships within the team contribute to retention and productivity,” she explains.

3. Interactive Breaks

Instead of typical coffee breaks, consider activities like chair massages, chair yoga, or a quick round of putting near the golf course.

Christine shares, “These activities break up the meeting, make it interactive, and help participants to not get tired and bored.”

4. Engaging Activities

Partnering with companies like Land Rover and United EVENTures for team-building activities can add an exciting element to the event.

Christine mentions, “You can cover all your content out on the Land Rover course. United EVENTures can incorporate something that makes it unique.”

5. Music and Movement

Adding music and movement to the agenda can also boost engagement. Christine recalls an event where a marching band played to start the day, getting everyone’s heart pumping and energy levels up.

Creative Engagement the Equinox Way

In March 2024, Equinox hosted an annual meeting that became a memorable experience through a “Sparty” (Spa + Party).

Christine describes it vividly: “They made it really unique by engaging different partners from their own companies. At the party, they had activities like create-your-own skin scrub, mini yoga relaxation sessions, and sound meditation. This was held in our wonderful relaxation room at the spa, incorporating mini treatments.”

This half-day event moved away from the conventional meeting room setting. Participants engaged in these unique activities, fostering interaction and relaxation. When they returned, they participated in a trade show where they shared products and ideas, tying their company’s goals with the event’s activities.

Another notable event in June took advantage of the summer night, featuring an outdoor movie, axe throwing, and a team-building cocktail-making session.

Christine elaborates, “Each team made their own cocktail for the party, which was then incorporated into the evening’s event. This creative approach kept everyone engaged and made the event unforgettable.”

Engaging attendees at meetings and events is about keeping their attention and creating memorable experiences that foster learning, collaboration, and retention. You can significantly enhance engagement by leveraging unique locations, incorporating nature, planning interactive breaks, and adding creative activities.

As Christine puts it, thinking outside the box and incorporating these elements into your meetings can lead to higher productivity, stronger teamwork, and a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Let us help you plan a creative and engaging event. Connect with us here >>

Categories: MEET
